The pro status output explained#

When running pro status we can observe two different types of output, which depend on whether the Ubuntu Pro subscription is attached or unattached.

Pro subscription unattached#

When unattached, users will see the following status table containing only three columns (output truncated for brevity):

esm-apps         yes        Expanded Security Maintenance for Applications
esm-infra        yes        Expanded Security Maintenance for Infrastructure
fips             yes        NIST-certified core packages
fips-updates     yes        NIST-certified core packages with priority security updates
livepatch        yes        Canonical Livepatch service


  • SERVICE: Is the name of service being offered.

  • AVAILABLE: Shows if that service is available on that machine. To verify if a service is available, we check the machine kernel version, architecture, Ubuntu release being used and the machine type (i.e., lxd for LXD containers).

  • DESCRIPTION: A short description of the service.

With Pro subscription attached#

However, if we run the same command when attached, we have an output with 4 columns (output truncated):

esm-apps         yes       enabled   Expanded Security Maintenance for Applications
esm-infra        yes       enabled   Expanded Security Maintenance for Infrastructure
fips             yes       disabled  NIST-certified core packages
fips-updates     yes       disabled  NIST-certified core packages with priority security updates
livepatch        yes       enabled   Canonical Livepatch service

You may notice that the column AVAILABLE is no longer shown, and instead we see the following new columns:

  • ENTITLED: Shows if the user subscription allows that service to be enabled.

  • STATUS: Reports the state of that service on the machine.

It is possible that a service could appear as “available” when the Pro status is unattached, but then shows as “not entitled” if the subscription is later attached. This happens because even if the service is available, if your Ubuntu Pro subscription doesn’t allow you access to a service, pro cannot enable it.

The STATUS column allows for three possible states:

  • enabled: The service is enabled on the machine.

  • disabled: The service is not currently running.

  • n/a: This means “not applicable”. This will show if the service cannot be enabled on the machine due to a non-contract restriction. For example, we cannot enable livepatch on a container.

    “Not applicable” rows are not shown by default. If you would like to see the full output, use the pro status --all command.


“Notices” are information regarding the Ubuntu Pro status which either require some kind of action from the user, or may impact the experience with Ubuntu Pro.

For example, let’s say FIPS was just enabled, but the system wasn’t rebooted yet (which is required for booting into the FIPS Kernel). The output of pro status in this case will contain:

FIPS support requires system reboot to complete configuration.

After the system is rebooted, the notice will go away.

Notices can always be resolved, and the instructions on how to resolve it will be explicitly stated in the notice itself.


“Features” are extra configuration values that can be set and unset in uaclient.conf. Most of these are meant for development/testing purposes, but some can be used in application flows. For example, to always have beta services with the same flow as the non-beta (for enable, status, etc.), uaclient.conf may have:

  allow_beta: true

In this case, the output of pro status will contain:

allow_beta: True

It’s important to keep in mind that any feature defined like this will be listed, even if it is invalid or typed the wrong way. Those appear in status output for informational and debugging purposes.

Machine-readable output#

Status API functions#

Some status information can be obtained from API functions. These include:


Let us know what status information you need that is missing from the API by clicking “Give feedback” at the top of this page.