Exploring your system’s security with Pro#

Whether you’re running the latest Ubuntu LTS release, or a release at the end of its standard support period, you are probably curious about the security services that Ubuntu Pro provides.

In this tutorial, we will set up a virtual machine (VM) and use it to explore some of the security-related services and commands available to all users, and see how they can be used to keep your system safer and more secure.

Install Multipass#

To avoid making any modifications to your live system during the tutorial, we will set up a virtual machine using Multipass. We are using Multipass because it allows us to launch VMs without needing any complicated setup. To install Multipass on your system, run the following command on your machine:

$ sudo snap install multipass

Use Multipass to create a VM#

We’re going to create our VM using the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver). It is the most recent LTS to reach the end of its standard support period (as of the time of writing), so it has updates available through the Ubuntu Pro Expanded Security Maintenance (ESM) services.

Let’s start by creating our VM by running the following command:

$ multipass launch bionic --name test-vm

This command will create (launch) a Bionic VM that we will label with the name “test-vm”.

It will probably take a few minutes to fetch the Bionic image (depending on your internet speed). Once Multipass has successfully set up the VM, you will see a message like this in your terminal:

Launched: test-vm

We can now enter our new VM with this command:

$ multipass shell test-vm

Notice that when we run this command, our terminal username and hostname change to ubuntu@test-vm, which tells us we are now operating inside the VM.

We then see a welcome message that looks similar to this (throughout this tutorial, we will truncate the output for brevity – removed sections will be indicated with [...]):

Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-212-generic x86_64)


  System information as of Wed Jun 19 14:17:26 BST 2024


Expanded Security Maintenance for Infrastructure is not enabled.

16 updates can be applied immediately.
11 of these updates are standard security updates.
To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable

109 additional security updates can be applied with ESM Infra.
Learn more about enabling ESM Infra service for Ubuntu 18.04 at


We can see immediately that our virtual machine is not fully up-to-date, with 16 software updates that can be applied, and 103 additional security updates (available with ESM-Infra). Let’s first see which software updates we can apply by running the command that was suggested in the output:

$ apt list --upgradable

This will show us a list of all the packages with available updates, the current version, and the version we can upgrade to:

Listing... Done
python3-update-manager/bionic-updates 1:18.04.12 all [upgradable from: 1:]
shim-signed/bionic-updates 1.37~18.04.13+15.7-0ubuntu1 amd64 [upgradable from: 1.37~18.04.11+15.4-0ubuntu9]
ubuntu-pro-client/bionic-updates 32.3~18.04 amd64 [upgradable from: 27.14.4~18.04]
update-manager-core/bionic-updates 1:18.04.12 all [upgradable from: 1:]
update-notifier-common/bionic-updates all [upgradable from:]

One of the packages that needs updating is the ubuntu-pro-client package, which provides the Pro Client, but it’s good practice to always keep software up-to-date, so let’s upgrade all of these packages in our VM:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

This will install the 16 pending software updates. In the next step, we’ll tackle the 103 security updates.

Check the machine’s security status#

We know, since we just updated it, that the package providing the Pro Client is already installed and up-to-date. So now, let’s check on the security status of our machine:

$ pro security-status

After our update in the last section, we should see something that looks like this in our terminal output:

518 packages installed:
    518 packages from Ubuntu Main/Restricted repository


This machine is NOT receiving security patches because the LTS period has ended
and esm-infra is not enabled.
This machine is NOT attached to an Ubuntu Pro subscription.

Ubuntu Pro with 'esm-infra' enabled provides security updates for
Main/Restricted packages until 2028. There are 110 pending security updates.


Let’s break this down a bit.

The security-status output#

518 packages installed:
    518 packages from Ubuntu Main/Restricted repository

Here, we learn that all 518 installed packages on our system come from the Ubuntu Main or Restricted repositories. This is not surprising – we haven’t installed any of our own packages yet! The only packages on the system are those that shipped with the default Bionic image.

This machine is NOT receiving security patches because the LTS period has ended
and esm-infra is not enabled.
This machine is NOT attached to an Ubuntu Pro subscription.

The message also lets us know that ‘esm-infra’ is not enabled. ESM-Infra is the Ubuntu Pro service that provides security coverage for packages in Main and Restricted after the initial 5 years of standard support for an LTS.

Ubuntu Pro with 'esm-infra' enabled provides security updates for
Main/Restricted packages until 2028. There are 110 pending security updates.

With ESM-Infra, an LTS system gets a total of 10 years of security coverage for packages in Main and Restricted. So, although LTS support for Bionic ended in 2023, esm-infra would cover us until 2028 on this machine – and we would get 110 security updates as soon as we enabled it.

What about packages in Universe?#

It’s fair to assume that most people will go beyond the default distribution and also install software from the Universe and Multiverse repositories. We don’t have any of those yet, so let’s see what happens if we install a popular package that comes from Universe, such as Ansible:

$ sudo apt install ansible -y

We can run pro security-status again to see what happened:

555 packages installed:
    550 packages from Ubuntu Main/Restricted repository
    5 packages from Ubuntu Universe/Multiverse repository


Ubuntu Pro with 'esm-infra' enabled provides security updates for
Main/Restricted packages until 2028. There are 119 pending security updates.

Ubuntu Pro with 'esm-apps' enabled provides security updates for
Universe/Multiverse packages until 2028. There is 1 pending security update.


We now have 5 packages listed as coming from Universe/Multiverse – this is the Ansible package and its dependencies. There are also now 119 security updates available through esm-infra, so some of the Ansible dependencies also had security updates.

We can see that esm-apps has 1 additional security update for Ansible itself. ESM-Apps provides security updates from Canonical for packages in Universe and Multiverse – even during the LTS period. This means that newer Ubuntu releases like 24.04 Noble also benefit from Ubuntu Pro coverage.

The updates we get from esm-apps address critical and high severity vulnerabilities, and this support is in addition to updates provided by the Ubuntu Community.

So now we’ve seen that if we enabled esm-infra and esm-apps, we would receive quite a few additional security updates. To enable these services, we first need to attach to an Ubuntu Pro subscription.

Attach to a subscription#

To attach our VM to a subscription, let’s run the following command in our terminal:

$ sudo pro attach

We should see output like this, giving us a link and a code:

ubuntu@test-vm:~$ sudo pro attach
Initiating attach operation...

Please sign in to your Ubuntu Pro account at this link:
And provide the following code: H31JIV

Let’s first copy the code (H31JIV in this example, but yours will be different), then open the link in our browser without closing the terminal window. Paste or type the code into the “Enter your code” field.

By default, the “Free Personal Token” will be selected in the “Choose a subscription to attach” field, and we can click on “Submit” to accept this.


You can safely use one of your free personal tokens for this – after we destroy this VM the token can be re-used.

The attach process will then continue in the terminal window, and after the authentication is complete we will be presented with the following message:

Attaching the machine...
Enabling default service esm-apps
Updating Ubuntu Pro: ESM Apps package lists
Ubuntu Pro: ESM Apps enabled
Enabling default service esm-infra
Updating Ubuntu Pro: ESM Infra package lists
Ubuntu Pro: ESM Infra enabled
Enabling default service livepatch
Installing snapd snap
Installing canonical-livepatch snap
Canonical Livepatch enabled
This machine is now attached to 'Ubuntu Pro - free personal subscription'

When the machine has successfully been attached, we also get a summary of which services are enabled and information about our subscription. This summary is the same result that you would get if you ran the pro status command to check on the status of the different Ubuntu Pro services:

cc-eal           yes       disabled     Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages
cis              yes       disabled     Security compliance and audit tools
esm-apps         yes       enabled      Expanded Security Maintenance for Applications
esm-infra        yes       enabled      Expanded Security Maintenance for Infrastructure
fips             yes       disabled     NIST-certified FIPS crypto packages
fips-updates     yes       disabled     FIPS compliant crypto packages with stable security updates
livepatch        yes       warning      Canonical Livepatch service
ros              yes       disabled     Security Updates for the Robot Operating System
ros-updates      yes       disabled     All Updates for the Robot Operating System

There are three services NOT disabled by default: esm-apps, esm-infra, and livepatch. These three services are considered useful for everyone, and so they are enabled by default when you attach your machine to a subscription.

Enabling esm-apps and esm-infra provides us with access to the repositories containing the additional security updates we saw earlier.

What about Livepatch?#

Livepatch is a service that patches vulnerabilities in the Linux kernel while the system runs, meaning that we don’t need to immediately reboot the machine to apply these patches.

When Livepatch is enabled, the Livepatch client, canonical-livepatch, is automatically installed, but what happens next depends on which kernel you are running. You will either:

  • Get all available patches applied to your system automatically, or

  • Need to update your kernel before Livepatch can be fully activated.

In our case, the default Bionic image contains an old kernel, so we have a warning beside livepatch and the following notice shown below the table:

The running kernel has reached the end of its active livepatch window.
Please upgrade the kernel with apt and reboot for continued livepatch support.

We therefore need to update the kernel before we can feel the benefit of Livepatch.

Apply our new updates#

Applying the newly available updates is as simple as running the update and upgrade commands again:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

This may take a few minutes – we have quite a few updates to install!

Now we can run pro security-status once more to see a summary of the results of attaching to our subscription and updating the software:

559 packages installed:
    554 packages from Ubuntu Main/Restricted repository
    5 packages from Ubuntu Universe/Multiverse repository


This machine is attached to an Ubuntu Pro subscription.

Main/Restricted packages are receiving security updates from
Ubuntu Pro with 'esm-infra' enabled until 2028. You have received 121 security

Universe/Multiverse packages are receiving security updates from
Ubuntu Pro with 'esm-apps' enabled until 2028. You have received 1 security

The update we did after attaching also updates our kernel to the newer version (where Livepatch can be used). To boot into the new kernel, we need to restart the VM.

To do this, press Ctrl + D together to exit the VM, and then run:

multipass restart test-vm

After Multipass has restarted our VM, we can log back into it:

multipass shell test-vm

Now if we run pro status again, we will see that Livepatch no longer has a warning, and its status is listed as enabled:

cc-eal           yes       disabled     Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages
cis              yes       disabled     Security compliance and audit tools
esm-apps         yes       enabled      Expanded Security Maintenance for Applications
esm-infra        yes       enabled      Expanded Security Maintenance for Infrastructure
fips             yes       disabled     NIST-certified FIPS crypto packages
fips-updates     yes       disabled     FIPS compliant crypto packages with stable security updates
livepatch        yes       enabled      Canonical Livepatch service
ros              yes       disabled     Security Updates for the Robot Operating System
ros-updates      yes       disabled     All Updates for the Robot Operating System

When Livepatch is enabled, the Livepatch client automatically installs any available fixes for high and critical severity vulnerabilities in the kernel without us needing to specifically ask it to.

If we want to know which vulnerabilities have been patched by the Livepatch client, we can run:

canonical-livepatch status --format yaml

If the kernel is very new, there may not be any patches to apply yet, but we can always use this command to see what Livepatch has fixed for us.

So, we are now fully up-to-date with all of the software and security updates for the packages on our VM. But what if we were not using a fresh VM? Let’s consider a scenario that might affect us on our live system.

Checking for vulnerabilities#

There are two types of vulnerabilities that could affect a system: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) and Ubuntu Security Notices (USNs).

CVEs are a way to publicly track and catalogue security vulnerabilities in software. Each is given a unique identifier in the format CVE-XXXX-XXXX. To learn more about CVEs, check out our explanation of CVEs and USNs.

We’ve seen how, just by attaching our Pro subscription and upgrading our machine, the Pro Client services have taken care of applying the available fixes for the CVEs that affected our VM. In fact, as long as we upgrade our machine periodically, these fixes will always be applied after they are released. The default configuration of unattended-upgrades runs upgrades for you daily and includes Pro security updates.

However, there is always a period of time between a CVE or USN being reported and the fix being released. In this case, we might reasonably want some way to find out if a vulnerability is affecting our system.

In an upcoming release of the Pro Client, we will have a command that shows us a list of all CVEs that affect our system, and their status. For now, we can use the pro fix command to manually inspect and resolve both CVEs and USNs.


This may be especially of interest to users who need more control over their updates!

Now, we have a bit of a problem. We know that our machine is fully up-to-date and all available fixes have been applied! But, using our VM we can simulate having a package affected by a known CVE using the Ansible package we installed earlier. CVE-2023-5764 affected the LTS Bionic version of Ansible, so let’s use this as our test case. We can run the pro fix command with the --dry-run flag to inspect the CVE without actually fixing anything, so let us do just that:

sudo pro fix cve-2023-5764 --dry-run
WARNING: The option --dry-run is being used.
No packages will be installed when running this command.
CVE-2023-5764: Ansible vulnerabilities
 - https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2023-5764

1 affected source package is installed: ansible
(1/1) ansible:
A fix is available in Ubuntu Pro: ESM Apps.
The update is already installed.

✔ CVE-2023-5764 is resolved.

As we can see, in the version of Ansible we are running (thanks to Pro) we are not affected by this CVE. But what happens if we downgrade Ansible to an older version that was affected by it:

sudo apt install ansible/bionic-updates -y

This command will install the last LTS update for Ansible in Bionic, which doesn’t have the updates we got from Pro. Now, we can use this command again to see what happened:

sudo pro fix cve-2023-5764 --dry-run
WARNING: The option --dry-run is being used.
No packages will be installed when running this command.
CVE-2023-5764: Ansible vulnerabilities
 - https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2023-5764

1 affected source package is installed: ansible
(1/1) ansible:
A fix is available in Ubuntu Pro: ESM Apps.
{ apt update && apt install --only-upgrade -y ansible }

✔ CVE-2023-5764 is resolved.

Now we can see that we are affected by a CVE in the Ansible package, and that the CVE is resolved so we can apply the fix for it.

The pro fix output#

The output of the pro fix command has the same structure, whether we are only inspecting a CVE using --dry-run, or resolving a CVE. It:

  • describes the CVE/USN (with a link to its database entry);

  • displays the affected package(s);

  • the location of a fix (if one is available); and

  • at the end, shows if the CVE/USN is fully fixed in the machine.

This is best demonstrated in a pro fix call that does fix a package.

Manually resolve the CVE#

Now that we’ve found a package that has a vulnerability, we can fix it using the pro fix command on the CVE (without the --dry-run option):

$ sudo pro fix CVE-2023-5764

You will then see the following output:

CVE-2023-5764: Ansible vulnerabilities
 - https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2023-5764

1 affected source package is installed: ansible
(1/1) ansible:
A fix is available in Ubuntu Pro: ESM Apps.
{ apt update && apt install --only-upgrade -y ansible }

  ✔ CVE-2023-5764 is resolved.


We need to run the command with sudo because it will be installing a package on the system.

Also, at the end of the output you can see confirmation that the CVE was fixed by the command. Just to confirm that the fix was successfully applied, let’s run the pro fix command again, and we should now see the following:

CVE-2023-5764: Ansible vulnerabilities
 - https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2023-5764

1 affected source package is installed: ansible
(1/1) ansible:
A fix is available in Ubuntu Pro: ESM Apps.
The update is already installed.

  ✔ CVE-2023-5764 is resolved.


In this tutorial, we have successfully run a Multipass VM and used it to:

  • Check on the machine’s security status with pro security-status

  • Update the software with sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

  • Attach our subscription so we can access ESM-Apps, ESM-Infra, and Livepatch using sudo pro attach

  • Apply security updates by running sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y again (after attaching to our subscription)

  • Check the status of the Pro services on the machine with pro status

  • Check the fixes applied by Livepatch using canonical-livepatch status --format yaml

  • Check the status of a CVE using pro fix --dry-run

  • And we used pro fix to resolve it.

Close down the VM#

When you are finished and want to leave the tutorial, you can shut down the VM by first pressing Ctrl + D to exit it, and then running the following commands to delete the VM completely:

multipass delete test-vm
multipass purge

We don’t need to detach our subscription first. When the VM is deleted and purged, the token is released and can be used again.

Further reading#

  • ESM explained: to find out more about ESM-Infra, ESM-Apps and the different repositories.

  • CVES/USNs explained: to find out more about CVEs, USNs and related USNs.

  • Which services are for me?: Ubuntu Pro includes a wide range of services. Although in this tutorial we’ve covered the three services that are likely to be of interest to most people, you might be curious about what else you might find useful.

Get help#

If you need more information about this, please feel free to reach out to the Ubuntu Pro Client team on #ubuntu-server on Libera IRC – we’re happy to help!

Alternatively, if you have a GitHub account, click on the “Give feedback” link at the top of this page to leave us a message. We’d love to hear from you!