The Ubuntu Pro CLI reference guide#

This is a list of the commands and subcommands available in the Pro Client.

Available commands#

The currently available commands are:

pro api#


pro api [-h] [--show-progress] [--args [OPTIONS ...]] [--data DATA] endpoint


Calls the Client API endpoints.

For a list of all of the supported endpoints and their structure, please refer to the Pro Client API reference guide:

pro attach#


pro attach [-h] [--no-auto-enable] [--attach-config ATTACH_CONFIG] [--format {cli,json}] [token]


Attach this machine to an Ubuntu Pro subscription with a token obtained from:

When running this command without a token, it will generate a short code and prompt you to attach the machine to your Ubuntu Pro account using a web browser.

The “attach-config” option can be used to provide a file with the token and optionally, a list of services to enable after attaching. To know more, visit:

The exit code will be:

  • 0: on successful attach

  • 1: in case of any error while trying to attach

  • 2: if the machine is already attached

pro auto-attach#


pro auto-attach [-h]


Automatically attach on an Ubuntu Pro cloud instance.

pro collect-logs#


pro collect-logs [-h] [-o OUTPUT]


Collect logs and relevant system information into a tarball. This information can be later used for triaging/debugging issues.

pro config#


pro config [-h] {show,set,unset} ...


Manage Ubuntu Pro Client configuration on this machine.

pro config show#


pro config show [-h] [key]


Show customizable configuration settings.

pro config set#


pro config set [-h] key_value_pair


Set and apply Ubuntu Pro configuration settings.

pro config unset#


pro config unset [-h] key


Unset an Ubuntu Pro configuration setting, restoring the default value.

pro detach#


pro detach [-h] [--assume-yes] [--format {cli,json}]


Detach this machine from an Ubuntu Pro subscription.

pro disable#


pro disable [-h] [--assume-yes] [--format {cli,json}] [--purge] service [service ...]


Disable one or more Ubuntu Pro services.

pro enable#


pro enable [-h] [--assume-yes] [--access-only] [--beta] [--format {cli,json}] [--variant VARIANT] service [service ...]


Activate and configure this machine’s access to one or more Ubuntu Pro services.

pro fix#


pro fix [-h] [--dry-run] [--no-related] security_issue


Inspect and resolve Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) and Ubuntu Security Notices (USNs) on this machine.

The exit code will be:

  • 0: the fix was successfully applied or the system is not affected

  • 1: the fix cannot be applied

  • 2: the fix was applied but requires a reboot before it takes effect

pro help#


pro help [-h] [--format {tabular,json,yaml}] [--all] [service]


Provide detailed information about Ubuntu Pro services.

pro refresh#


pro refresh [-h] [{contract,config,messages}]


Refresh three distinct Ubuntu Pro related artifacts in the system:

  • contract: Update contract details from the server.

  • config: Reload the config file.

  • messages: Update APT and MOTD messages related to Pro.

You can individually target any of the three specific actions, by passing the target name to the command. If no target is specified, all targets are refreshed.

pro security-status#


pro security-status [-h] [--format {json,yaml,text}] [--thirdparty | --unavailable | --esm-infra | --esm-apps]


Show security updates for packages in the system, including all available Expanded Security Maintenance (ESM) related content.

Shows counts of how many packages are supported for security updates in the system.

If the format is set to JSON or YAML it shows a summary of the installed packages based on the origin:

  • main/restricted/universe/multiverse: Packages from the Ubuntu archive.

  • esm-infra/esm-apps: Packages from the ESM archive.

  • third-party: Packages installed from non-Ubuntu sources.

  • unknown: Packages which don’t have an installation source (like local deb packages or packages for which the source was removed).

The output contains basic information about Ubuntu Pro. For a complete status on Ubuntu Pro services, run ‘pro status’.

pro status#


pro status [-h] [--wait] [--format {tabular,json,yaml}] [--simulate-with-token TOKEN] [--all]


Report current status of Ubuntu Pro services on system.

This shows whether this machine is attached to an Ubuntu Pro support contract. When attached, the report includes the specific support contract details including contract name, expiry dates, and the status of each service on this system.

The attached status output has four columns:

  • SERVICE: Name of the service.

  • ENTITLED: Whether the contract to which this machine is attached entitles use of this service. Possible values are: yes or no.

  • STATUS: Whether the service is enabled on this machine. Possible values are: enabled, disabled, n/a (if your contract entitles you to the service, but it isn’t available for this machine) or — (if you aren’t entitled to this service).

  • DESCRIPTION: A brief description of the service.

The unattached status output instead has three columns. SERVICE and DESCRIPTION are the same as above, and there is the addition of:

  • AVAILABLE: Whether this service would be available if this machine were attached. The possible values are yes or no.

If “simulate-with-token” is used, then the output has five columns. SERVICE, AVAILABLE, ENTITLED and DESCRIPTION are the same as mentioned above, and AUTO_ENABLED shows whether the service is set to be enabled when that token is attached.

If the “all” flag is set, beta and unavailable services are also listed in the output.

pro system#


pro system [-h] {reboot-required} ...


Outputs system-related information about Pro services.

pro system reboot-required#


pro system reboot-required [-h]


Report the current reboot-required status for the machine.

This command will output one of the three following states for the machine regarding reboot:

  • no: The machine doesn’t require a reboot.

  • yes: The machine requires a reboot.

  • yes-kernel-livepatches-applied: There are only kernel-related packages that require a reboot, but Livepatch has already provided patches for the current running kernel. The machine still needs a reboot, but you can assess if the reboot can be performed in the nearest maintenance window.